Was Madeleine Smith guilty?
A fascinating piece of historical non-fiction...by Ann Swinfen – one of The History Girls – (A group of best-selling, award-winning writers of historical fiction and non-fiction.)
What do you think?…Was Madeleine Smith guilty of murdering her husband?
Here’s a quote from Ann Swinfen’s January 20th post…
“In the words of John Inglis’ biographer: ‘The pale but fresh young face, set in the curtained bonnet of the day, the graceful figure, its lines traceable through the lace of a black mantilla, the lustrous eyes and the full quivering lips as she sat in the seat whence so many have gone to the scaffold, caused even strong men to quail at the mere apprehension of her doom. Guilty or innocent, she made them think, not of the crime, or the possibility that her hand poisoned the fatal cup, but of their own sisters and daughter.
To hang her was impossible….’”
Or was it?…
Read the rest of the story here:

Moncreiff addresses the jury at Madeleine (Hamilton) Smith’s murder trial in 1857.
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