Christmas, books and gift-giving go together like a cozy fire and a cup of hot chocolate.
Being a book lover/storyteller/writer, I’ve got a few fireside book suggestions.
Like me, you probably have a bookworm or two in your life. You can’t go wrong with the gift of a good book.
Beware, you are about to enter the world of mystery, adventure, and fantasy. You’ll find books for the young and books for the not-so-young; mostly books for the young at heart.
Good Read suggestion #1 – Finding Christmas – A Mouse in Search of Christmas

on a wild winter adventure to find Christmas.
You are bound to be captivated by this charming little warrior mouse
and his best friend, Bella.
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Good Read Suggestion #2 – Newfies to the Rescue

both tales of yesteryear and tales of today.
Did you know the course of world history may have been changed had it not been for the lifesaving instinct of the Newfie?
You’ll find many extraordinary events recorded in history involving the Newfoundland dog in this little book.
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Good Read Suggestion #3 – The RYDER – A Fantasy adventure for the young at heart

“My class read The RYDER and no one wanted the adventure to end.
It’s a captivating novel with a fast-paced plot and dramatic action which teaches life-changing lessons that only he (The Ryder)
can teach to the story’s three-dimensional characters.”
April P.
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Good Read Suggestion #4 – Treasure Trap – a sequel to The RYDER

turned into the search for a young boy they spot in the distance,
beckoning them to follow him.
As they attempt to keep up with him, they end up in an ice-cold winter field
thousands of miles and a hundred twenty years from Grandpa’s farm.
This time-traveling adventure takes Jessica and David to the village of Skrytyy, where wicked, foreign-language speaking strangers have cast a spell over an entire valley; all for the love of a hidden and priceless treasure.
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Good Read Suggestion #5 – Roadblocks to Hell

How Walther Colt survives the cruel, callous and cold-blooded convicts of a Federal Pen,
with the help of an unlikely ally.
A must-read redemptive, true crime story.
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Good Read Suggestion #6 – KickStart to a Healthier You

Perhaps you’ve already been working at improving your health,
or perhaps this is your first introduction to a healthier way of life.
Either way, this book will help you gain valuable knowledge and practical advice.
Leading a healthy lifestyle is worth the effort, so why not start today?
Easy healthy recipes included.
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Good Read Suggestion #7 – Chuzzle’s Incredible Journey

embarks on a dangerous journey to find his dear friend, Whuzzle.
He must travel past the Little Stream, through the Deep Forest,
beyond the Blue Pond, and up the giant Big Hill.
He will encounter many kinds of dangers along the way.
Chuzzle invites you to join him on his incredible journey as he bravely leaves the safety of his home and enters the mysterious unknown.
Available on Amazon – Kindle or Paperback
Or contact the publisher – 1.866.533.4896
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“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only once.“ George R.R. Martin